G324 Filming

Filming - Part one, the journey begins (01.11.16)

In todays lesson, me and Nikki went out to film a scene in a free lesson, the scene was me, the protagonist on a overpass experiencing one of my traumatic episodes. We took a variety of shots from different parts of the bridge, this was so we could have extra footage if we didn't like the shots we had previously taken, this resulted in 3 minutes of footage. Whoops. 
We also hope to soon add in voice overs and sound effects as it will show the audience he is experiencing a traumatic episode.

Looking back at this scene, i think it would've been a lot more effective if we done it at night, i suppose you can suggest that I'm a night owl, but i really love the affect darkness can have on the atmosphere, we tried to edit it to make it seem darker but it didn't look right. 

Filming - Part two, the cold, the dirty and the muddy. (08/11/16)

In todays double period the media squad set out to high beech (forest) and filmed the war scene. This scene is one giant flashback  to show the audience Alex's war experiences. In order for me and Isaiah to prepare for this scene and get in the mood, we had to roll around in mud.

I think the look on poor Isaiahs face says it all right. Regardless, todays filming was very productive, fun and also stress relieving as we were running out of days to film! Always, we started filming, establishing shots, close ups, high angle, low angle, extreme close up, POV over the shoulder worms eye view you name it we had it. Ebony and Nikki were the Camerawomen today, filming was also difficult for them because their 'shoes' were getting dirty. Boo-hoo. 

After the fun, we hopped back in Nikkis car and made our way to the church, where Ebony briefly took establishing shots, and then made our way back to school. 

Filming part three - The editing strikes back (11/11/16)

All i can say is, thank lord editing isn't my main role. The stress, the editing, the cutting, the LONG footage, going over and over and over it again, STRESS. Today we had a little editing break in where we would all look at the footage together and then pitch in ideas for what should go where etc. Nikki our fantastic editor did just that with brilliant results. 

Feedback - The feedback we got was very positive, people liked the pace of it and how well the shots worked, they also liked the sound effects of the gun shots and how well it contrasted with the running, the fast shots and the atmosphere

Filming part four - Transport for London shuts down their door. (15/11/16)

Well, there has been a sudden change in plans because TFL didn't let us film in their premises due to security reasons, i guess a camera is very easy to mistake with an AK-47 or a rocket propelled grenade launcher. Anyways, this means we had to change the plan as we didn't want to waste a lesson getting angry at the national rail. So we had to improvise

What we decided to do was film a scene where I would walk into a random member of the public (Ebony, who hasn't been seen in the film). And when i walk into her, i will be experiencing again another one of my episodes, i will be seeing Johnson's face in her face. 

To treat you guys we are showing you a small behind the scene footage of todays filming, and a blooper or two, i hope you enjoy (don't worry our film will not be as funny). 

Filming part five - I'm not going to make it out of this alive. 

So, we have showed our peers our film so far to get some constructive feed back. And, well yeah. We need to make some changes. Okay maybe quite a few changes. Firstly, we have been told to add in more scenes about Alex and Alex's we deteriorating relationship, to show more about them both, so in order to do this we will need to create various scenarios, for example one where we are happy in the woods, throwing leaves at each other or taking selfies etc, and then others of us arguing, he standing her up etc. But before we film that we are going to stay after school today to film a fairly significant scene. We had to change the kitchen scene in where i strangle Nikki to death into me running her over at work. 
All will be explained in the video below. 

Filming part six- The end is Near  (18/11/12)

Today is our final day of filming, in todays lesson we filmed scenes with Alex and Alex's wife deteriorating relationship. We began by filming a scene within the school premises, of the couple in their prime, being happy together, we then began to film scenes of me giving Nikki flowers at her work, then we began with the deterioration stage of me standing her up, shouting at her, acting cold towards her and showing no affection. When we finished filming these scenes we went back to school and began editing. 

Looking through the footage we all decided the footage was good but all we struggled with the order of everything, because we have changed a couple things and replaced scenes with others, so we all huddled together and thought hard about what would go where. This was actually a lot more difficult than we thought. 

Further editing - 

Seeing as we didn't have the confession booth scene, we thought that has to be replaced with something, we wanted a scene to show how conflicted he was within him self, and how he suffered with his uncontrollable actions. So Ebony came up with the idea of me doing a narration, she also wrote the script for what i would say. 

She wasn't right, her face looked empty. She didn't flinch anymore. Thats how she was left. 

My 'i do', My 'till death do us part' My soulmate, stolen from me taken too quickly like Johnson. His death, it wasn't my fault. 

My head wasn't right, it didn't feel like me. it was like someone had wormed their way into my body, Taken over. Everything felt distorted... Until my hands left the wheel and i could see her body in my rear view mirror, cold, twitching on the pavement.

So just like Johnson, my beloveds death will loom over my shoulders, clawing my back each time i try to move on, but i guess thats what i deserve.

Bless me Father, for i have sinned. 

It has been an honour taking you guys on our journey, see you in the Ancillary section!!!!!!!

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